How Searching in a Site helps

Site search is beneficial to e-commerce and content websites alike. A great site search software can help you retain customers, increase sales, track under-performing pages and keywords and even more.

Site Search Benefits Your Consumers:

  • It satisfies the “I want it now” problem for today’s searchers
  • Consumers expect site search on today’s websites
  • Reduces bounce and exit rates and increases time on site
  • Can help suggest related content the customer is interested in but didn’t know to look for.

Great for E-Commerce

On e-commerce sites, up to 30 % of users will use the search box and show intent to buy by typing in searches for product names, product codes and product categories. Great e-commerce sites utilize site search with added features that maximize on online shopper’s intent to buy. E-Commerce sites can use filtering options to narrow down “Clothing” to “Men’s” and then even further to “Dress Pants.”

  • Improved Sales
  • Increased Time on Site
  • Customer Retention & Loyalty

Allows Better Analytics

How can you prove that site search is worthwhile? How can it help the site owner? The answer…. Analytics. Site search analysis feature that can help you dig deeper into the minds of your consumers and improve your site with your findings.
